FineBuild Systems Pte Ltd
Location : 74 Tagore Lane Singapore 787498
Call : (65) 6285 7781, (65) 6285 3557
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Company Registration No.: 199601672Z
GST Registration No.: M2-8922977-9
Website :
FBS Global & Success Elite Development Limited
Effective August 2, 2022, FBS Global Limited is our ultimate holding company, which was incorporated on March 10, 2022, under the laws of Cayman Islands as an exempted company with limited liability (“FBS Cayman” or “the Company”). FBS Global Limited holds 100% total issued and outstanding shares of the common stock of Success Elite Development Limited, a limited liability company incorporated in the British Virgin Islands on February 22, 2022, acting as an intermediate holding company. Success Elite Development Limited, in turn, holds 100% of the total issued and outstanding shares of the common stock of Finebuild System Pte Ltd., the only operation arm of the group of companies which is a limited liability company incorporated on March 9, 1996, under the laws of the Republic of Singapore (“FBS SG”).
Company Profile & Services
From its humble beginning as a construction company since 1996, Finebuild Systems Pte Ltd has morphed into a leading integrated engineering company which provides full suite of engineering services. These services include the supply of building materials and precast concrete components, recycling of construction and industrial wastes, research, and development as well as pavement consultancy services.
The company offers services primarily in the areas of Large, Medium and Small-Scale infrastructure projects like;
- Commercial & Institutional Constructions: Hotels, Shopping Centres, Offices, Hospitals, Schools, MRT Stations and Expo Centres.
- Residential Constructions: Condominiums, Apartments, Terraces and Bungalow Houses, Shop House, Conservation Houses and Show Flats.
- Industrial Constructions: Factories, Warehouses
- The services include the supply of building materials and precast concrete components, recycling of construction and industrial wastes, research, and development as well as pavement consultancy services.
Over the years, the company has invested heavily in relevant state-of-the-art technologies and focused strongly on research and development that helps to bring value back to the core business of providing innovative and sustainable construction. This vividly demonstrates the company’s commitment to align with the country’s call for sustainable development and our obligation towards corporate social responsibility. Being the key drivers of its growth, innovation and sustainability have differentiated Finebuild Systems from others.