Headquarters : Direct News Pvt. Ltd, Media House, 275-276, Captain Gaur Marg, Srinivas Puri, New Delhi – 110 065.
Tel: +91 11 61362000, 61362100
Fax: +91 11 61362201
Website : www.newsx.com
NewsX is the premier English News channel of India and belongs to the iTV Network. The channel is one of the most credible news platforms and newsx.com is its digital arm.
NewsX is India’s fastest growing English News Channel and enjoys highest viewership and highest time spent amongst educated urban Indians. Ever since its acquisition by the ITV Network, the channel has witnessed unprecedented growth. NewsX is the News Leader and sets the news agenda for the nation, with its crisp formats, straight forward reporting, pointed debates, trending hashtags, and engaging mix of stories.
It offers maximum news and continues to lead. NewsX is the Winner of the prestigious ‘News Channel of the Year’ Award at ENBA.
The digital arm newsx.com caters to all segments of the society and provides poilitical, national, sports, entertaiment, business, tech, auto, science, viral news content in text, photo and video formats.
The platform has its social media handles and pages which help in amplyfying the content. A dedicated team workes 24x7 to provide the latest information to the digital audience. Headquatered in New Delhi, newsx.com uses the latest innovations in technology to ensure a seamless experience for its users.
With special emphasis on breaking news, the newsx.com team does not compromise on quality and fact check while delivering any piece of information.