If you travel for a distance of about 8 kms from Nizamabad, you will reach the Sarangpur village which homes a Hanuman temple. The popular for the Hanuman Temple of Sarangapur is dedicated to the greatest devotee of Lord Shri Ram. According to the localities, the foundation stone of this shrine is believed to be laid by a saint called Samartha Ramadas, who was the guru of the great Indian leader Chatrapati Shivaji. The department of tourism has developed the Sarangpur region and it has now developed to facilitate tourists with many modern amenities; hotels and refreshment parks being a few among them.
The ancient temple of Lord Hanuman is spread over a total of 1400 acres land and the temple is situated on a beautiful and serene hillock.
A few developmental projects are still being carried out. This includes a new park that is being constructed over 10 acres of land.
Sai Baba
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