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Dairy Products Companies In USA

Organic Valley
One Organic Way, La Farge, WI 54639
Phone: 888.444.6455
Fax: 608.625.2600

Organic Valley (OV) is an organic food brand and independent cooperative of organic farmers based in La Farge, Wisconsin, United States. Founded in 1988, Organic Valley is the nation’s largest farmer-owned organic cooperative and one of the world's largest organic consumer brands.

Dairy Farmers of America
Location : 1405 N. 98th St., Kansas City, Kansas, 66111, USA
GENERAL INQUIRIES : 816-801-6455
Suggestions or complaints about products : 888-337-2407

Dairy Farmers of America (DFA) is a milk marketing cooperative and dairy foods processor owned by more than 14,000 dairy farmers across the country.
