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World's Most Spectacular Bridges

Rolling Bridge London England

Rolling Bridge : London, England - Completed in 2004, Heatherwick studio's Rolling Bridge provides access to the grand Union Canal in London's paddington basin.

Die Rakotzbrucke: Kromlau Park, Germany - Commissioned by Friedrich Hermann Rotschke in 1860, it's perfect parabola and basalt spires make it a legendary "Devil's Bridge."

Inca Rope Bridge : AKpurimac River, Peru : Q'eswachaka, One of the last surviving Inca Rope bridges, has spanned 124 feet across the Akpurimac Canyon for more than 500 years.

Charles Kuonen Suspension Bridge : Zermatt Switzerland : At 1,620 feet long, it is the longest suspension footbridge in the world.

Henderson Waves Bridge Singapore

Henderson Waves Bridge : Singapore - Steel and local balau wood curve together to form the spectacular henderson waves, the highest pedestrian bridge in singapore.
