Location : Registered Office: H.No-11-1-1950/11 Gangasthan-1, Nizamabad, Andhra Pradesh - 503001
Contact No's : +91-99 48 95 95 95 ( For Blood Donation Details)
+91-99 12 888 155 ( For Other Donation Details)
+91-94 944 611 63 ( For Media Reports)
Website : www.helpinghearts.in
Helping Hearts Foundation is an organization which has been bought up with a thought to make people aware about the happiness they get in helping others and to become a last hope to all those who have lost hope in finding a helping hand.
With this thought of building hope in all those who are in need, we have planned to take up two essential things in life
1) Education
2) Health
Education : In our research we have got to know that the education which they get in the School is not sufficient in this competitive world to score top, in view of it we have planned to start a special coaching classes for (30) Xth class students who are economically backward and not getting quality education. These classes will commence from January 2013 to April, 2013 these classes helps the students to build up with absolute knowledge and make them efficient to score top in the exams and also helps them in choosing the right gateway for their lives exploring the opportunities they have in present conditions.
Out of the above trained, top 3 merit students in the respective exams will be chosen and get selected for the "Make a Life" program through which these candidates will be provided complete free education till PG and also provide the carrier guidance and also extend all the support they need for placing their carrier in rite path. In Make a Life program their shall be a separate team who will be closely monitoring the performance of the students selected under this programme with the frequent interactions with them and also guides them in choosing the right way of their carriers as per the opportunities available
A strong and dream commitment of our organization is to establish a model school with all the modern infrastructure &technology which shall be capable to compete with todays corporate schools and provide complete free education to the students from the Rural areas who are economically backward irrespective of their caste.
Blood donations: We have planned to arrange Blood donation camps regularly and create awareness among the people about the importance of Blood donation especially among the Students by arranging the camps in the Colleges.
we are also collecting the data of all the blood donors who are interested to donate the blood and keep it available in our website which will be shared to required people through SMS system, by giving the details of the required blood group and place were blood is required an automated SMS will be generated and sent to the donors for that particular blood group and place to the required person mobile/email and also a request SMS/email will be sent to the donor for donating the blood .
Other Programmes: Helping Hearts will allways be ready to take up any programme which can light hopes in the eyes of the people who are in need.